Ethics and Social Responsibility in the Use of Genetic Genealogy in Family History, Criminal Cold Cases and Beyond

June 23, 2023 - 1:15pm to 2:45pm

Ethics and Social Responsibility in the Use of Genetic Genealogy in Family History, Criminal Cold Cases and Beyond

In this talk we will review three areas in genetic genealogy which we frequently face some interesting ethical questions: the relevance of genetic genealogy in exploring/addressing a family story/myth/scandal; when we discover that genetic data challenges (or even disproves) a deeply-held/cherished belief in a family-of-interest; and when emerging uses of technological advances in genetic genealogy create new opportunities/concerns/challenges. This talk will address the technology of genetic genealogy at a basic level but will push us to consider the broader ethical and social responsibility challenges of how the technology is being used.

Ray Jones, PhD is a professor in the Katz School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh who has a deep personal interest in genealogy and genetic genealogy along with nearly three decades of published historical and social science research on a variety of topics and a focus on experience-based learning in teaching leadership, ethics and management.

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