Tour of Allegheny Observatory

April 26, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm


The Allegheny Observatory, part of the University of Pittsburgh, is probably on your list of “I have to go there sometime” places in the Pittsburgh area. Now is your chance to cross it off your list!

The tour is a delightful mix of science, history, Pittsburgh stories, and current research. The building itself boasts wonderful architecture, and the telescopes each made major contributions to the advancement of science. The tour will visit the two historic telescopes, and if the weather is clear, use one of them to image sunspots the way Samuel Langley did in the 1860s.

The Allegheny Observatory is located at 159 Riverview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15214. Transportation is on your own. Parking is free and on the right hand side of the road that circles the observatory. 

Note: THE OBSERVATORY IS NOT FULLY ACCESSIBLE. The tour includes narrow, catwalk-like stairs. Also, there is no heat in the domes.

Registration Required